The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
For More detail information on the NAPLAN Testing Pattern please click here
NAP sample assessments (For NAPLAN)
- NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers (PDF 141 KB)
- NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers – Simple English (PDF 125 KB)
- Public demonstration site
- NAPLAN national protocols for test administration (PDF 660 KB)
- Guide for schools to assist students with disability to access NAPLAN (PDF 167 KB)
- NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2012 to 2016
- NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2008 to 2011
- NAP – development and review process (PDF 73 KB)
- NAPLAN 2021 national report (PDF 7.4 MB)
- NAPLAN 2021 technical report (PDF 11.1 MB)
- Narrative writing guide (PDF 8.04 MB)
- Persuasive writing guide (PDF 5.7 MB)
- Sample persuasive writing prompt (PDF 1.47 MB)
- Sample narrative writing prompt (PDF 981 KB)
- Guide to understanding ICSEA values (PDF 427 KB)
- Guidelines for managing test incidents in schools (PDF 458 KB)
- NAPLAN 2023 test window (PDF 645 KB)
- NAPLAN 2023 – What’s changed (PDF 116 KB)
- NAPLAN 2023 and Ramadan (PDF 110 KB)
- NAPLAN conventions of language (PDF 146 KB)
- NAPLAN branching messages (PDF 2 MB)
- How to interpret the SSSR (Student and school summary report) (PDF 5 MB)
- Keeping NAPLAN in perspective (PDF 664 KB)
- NAPLAN – snapshot in time (PDF 538 KB)
- What is in those NAPLAN tests (PDF 437 KB)
- NAPLAN online and protecting privacy (PDF 226 KB)
- Understanding NAPLAN online (2min 11s)
- NAPLAN accessibility (6min 23s) | transcript (PDF 92 KB)
- NAPLAN: physical adjustments (4min 15s) | transcript (PDF 85 KB)
- NAPLAN: cognitive adjustments
- NAPLAN: cognitive adjustments (4min) | transcript (PDF 85 KB)
- NAPLAN: sensory adjustments (4min 10s) | transcript (PDF 84 KB)
- NAPLAN: social/emotional adjustments (4min 34s) | transcript (PDF 89 KB)
- Practice test (NESA) (1min 25s)
- Benefits of NAPLAN online (NESA) (2min 48s)
- Writing rubric review final report July 2020 (PDF 1.38 MB)
- Writing marking rubrics review Aug 2020 (PDF 541 KB)
- Accessibility options (PDF 1.59 MB)
- Audio delivery of items (spelling) (PDF 1.37 MB)
- Automated essay scoring – persuasive writing (PDF 976 KB)
- Automated essay scoring – research program (PDF 1.14 MB)
- Challenging items (reading) (PDF 1.59 MB)
- Challenging items (numeracy) (PDF 1.81 MB)
- See the glossary of terms related to NAPLAN

The NAP sample assessments test students’ skills and understanding in science literacy, civics and citizenship and information and communication technology (ICT) literacy. Only selected groups of students in Years 6 and 10 participate in these sample assessments, which are held on a rolling three-yearly basis. NAP sample assessments began in 2003 with science literacy (NAP–SL), followed by civics and citizenship (NAP–CC) in 2004 and information and communication technology literacy (NAP–ICTL) in 2005.
Primary and secondary schools participating in the NAP sample assessments benefit in a number of ways. Their students have the opportunity to engage with state-of-the-art assessment materials delivered online and to become familiar with test-taking in the online environment. This is an excellent learning opportunity for students.
The Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program is a part-time withdrawal program for upper primary school Year 5 and 6 students in public schools.
Identified students are selected to participate in differentiated programs offered in a range of delivery modes.
Delivery modes include:
- regional based PEAC centres providing a series of specialist courses or programs
- co-ordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach the courses
- allocation to schools and multi-age programs operate within schools
- online delivery of programs.
Programs focus on:
- Social interaction with gifted and talented peers
- Intellectual rigour and challenge
- Pursuit of excellence
- Development of higher order process skills
- In-depth investigations of real problems
- Open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
- Opportunities to interact with practising experts
- Students working at their own pace
- Self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.
Blanket testing of all public school Year 4 students occurs each year with individual schools testing their own students. Parents who do not wish for their children to be tested can opt out by contacting their school in writing.
PEAC programs are managed at a regional level. Contact your local Education Regional Office to find out more.
For more information on this program Please contact
Gifted and Talented programs
Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance programs provide the opportunity for exceptionally able students to study in learning environments that challenge, inspire and empower them to excel every day.
Students in Gifted and Talented programs learn with like-minded peers, following an enriched curriculum designed for their needs, delivered by teachers with expert skills and knowledge. Access is provided to universities, industry bodies and mentoring programs with opportunities to take part in national and international competitions.
The selection process starts when students are in Year 5, testing in Year 6, with placement starting from Year 7. Limited vacancies may also be available for entry into years 9, 10 and 11 only.
These Gifted and Talented academic, arts and languages programs are available at 24 select public secondary schools including:
- new academic programs at Ellenbrook Secondary College, Harrisdale Senior High School, Albany Senior High School and Alkimos College
- a selective academic school
- a selective arts college
- 2 regional schools
- an online academic program for country students.